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Client Testimonials

The words of people who have participated in online or offline, individual or group work that I have facilitated around the world over the last 3 years.

Gabriela facilitate valuable workshops with clarity and precision and also with a lightness that makes learning a pleasure. As a coach I also use the map we explored, so it wasn't new information and it was still very valuable once we tried the concepts in practice, so they became much more relevant, useful and alive for me on a daily basis. I strongly recommend Gabriela's work.

Gabriela 's presence regenerates any space. Her aliveness, joy, love and skills are used as keys for healing, and transformation. She listen's with her heart. Her sharp clarity is used to be on your team in service of the changes you want to create. Her dedication to her own journey of discovery and empowerment infuses the spaces she is. A Woman of Integrity and Authenticity. She is Aliveness. It has been easy and a pleasure to work with her on my mental health projects.

Joseph Goldin, USA

I have been learning how to reach out to others and express my feelings. 


During a session of Rage Club  I managed to let it all out. I was also able to connect my anger to my words in a way I hadn't done in a long time. It was different to be able to say that I hate with clarity and power. Sometimes I've said I hate it... in a way that reveals my power and I feel powerless. This new way was so good. I hate changing myself for other people and trying to make others comfortable! I'm tired of caring. I hate not having good male role models. I hate how repressed I am and how repressed so many people are. I hate how boring life is. I hate drama, I hate mold and having to spend all my money on my health… and more and more. I let it all out.


I felt my energy body and my physical body change, become more powerful, clearer, more present and direct. I felt transformed. It felt like I was younger and was learning karate from one of the best karate masters in New York. I felt so alive. I'm going to bring this back into my life. In my boundaries, decisions and interactions with other people.


For a long time I had a lot of anger, but I didn't know what to do with it. He told me that it was useless, as there had been situations that irritated me. I couldn't change the past situation, but I was angry and didn't know what to do with it. I didn't know how to let this go. Now I have a new way of being with this that is good. My anger was hurting me, making me feel small, hating myself, making me not trust people, and putting a wall between myself and others. I'm so grateful to find this other path. This new way of using my anger to find clarity and to protect and empower myself and show me new information. I had been looking for this type of work for a long time.

Gabriela 's presence regenerates any space. Her aliveness, joy, love and skills are used as keys for healing, and transformation. She listen's with her heart. Her sharp clarity is used to be on your team in service of the changes you want to create. Her dedication to her own journey of discovery and empowerment infuses the spaces she is. A Woman of Integrity and Authenticity. She is Aliveness. It has been easy and a pleasure to work with her on my mental health projects.

Institutions to which I have offered my services

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